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第58章 第五十九 测试

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“The overall objective of the WTO is to help its members use trade as a means to raise living standards, create jobs and improve people’s live. The WTO operates the global system of trade rules and helps developing countries build their trade capacity. It also provides a forum for its members to negotiate trade agreements and to resolve the trade problems they face with each other.



“So, what are the advantages and disadvantages of China joining WTO? Or, what challenges will joining WTO Chinese companies face?”


柳依依想了想,接着说:“Well, joining WTO has an extremely important impact on all aspects of China’s economy, society and culture, with both advantages and disadvantages, but overall, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Its significance to China’s modernization drive can be called China’s second ‘reform and opening up’”.


“In fact, joining WTO is also an internal requirement of deepening reform, expanding opening up and establishing a socialist market economic system, and it is the need of China’s economic development. Joining WTO not only brings opportunities to participate in the international stage, but also brings great challenges and pressure to all fields of China. But the pros outweigh the harm.”


柳依依停顿了一会儿,见高俊杰没有什么要补充的,接着说道:“The favorable factors are reflected, such as the introduction of advanced technology and advanced management experience, the further expanding export and attracting foreign investment; the acceleration of domestic industrial structure adjustment and enhancing the competitiveness of Chinese enterprises.



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